Malifaux 3rd Edition Rotten Harvest - Toil and Trouble

SKU WYR21411

This year, Zoraida and her crew are bubbling up some trouble in the forest with the Toil and Trouble and Beware the Lights Rotten Harvest boxes! Let’s take a look.


Check out the spooky trailer for these wonderfully creepy Rotten Harvest characters!
Rotten Harvest Video

Remember, these Rotten Harvest boxes are a limited release. Once they’re gone, they’re gone forever!

Faction: Neverborn

Keyword: Swampfiend


  • Zoraida

  • Bedeviled Kettle, Counts as Bad Juju

  • Prince Toadem, Counts as Voodoo Doll

  • Witch of the Woods x3, Counts as Waldgeists

  • Pumpkins x6

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