Geek Gaming Scenics Base Ready Scrublands Small Scale


Create a realistic and dynamic scrubland base for your miniatures with Base Ready Scrublands (Small Scale). This custom hand-mixed mixture of sands, gravels, foams and aggregates is perfect for recreating the dry, arid terrain of a scrubland, with all its sparse vegetation, rocks, and dirt.

Base Ready Scrublands (Small Scale) is incredibly easy to use. Simply apply a coat of Fast Drying Basing Glue to your miniature's base, then sprinkle or dip into the Base Ready. You can also use your fingers to press the Base Ready into place to create different textures. Once you're satisfied with the result, simply finish with a spray of Sealant.

Base Ready Scrublands (Small Scale) is perfect for a variety of miniature wargames and Tabletop games, as well as model railroading and other hobby projects. It's also a great way to add detail and realism to your miniatures, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned hobbyist.

Example Uses:

  • Create a scrubland base for your Nomad army in Warhammer 40,000.
  • Create post-apocalyptic terrain for your favorite miniature wargame 
  • Add detail to the bases of your desert creatures, such as scorpions, snakes, and lizards.
  • Create a realistic base for your model railroad train crossing a scrubland.
  • Add a touch of realism to a model diorama of a bandit camp.

No matter what your project is, Base Ready Scrublands (Small Scale) is a great way to add realistic detail to your scale modelling projects


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