
Adeptus Titanicus

Black Library

Blood Bowl





Game Type


Kill Team



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The Horus Heresy

The Lord of the Rings



Warhammer Underworlds


Anvil of Doom

Anvil of Doom

Games Workshop


In times of great need, the runesmiths will bring forth an Anvil of Doom, one of the most ancient and valuable heirlooms of the Dwarfs. It is on th...

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Dwarf Bolt Thrower

Dwarf Bolt Thrower

Games Workshop


The Bolt Thrower is a tried and true war machine the Dwarfs have used since the days of the Ancestor Gods. Reliable and accurate, some Bolt Thrower...

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Dwarf Doomseekers

Dwarf Doomseekers

Games Workshop


Even amongst the crazed, wild-eyed Slayers, Doomseekers are considered unhinged loners. Covered head-to-toe in runic tattoos of protection and ward...

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Dwarf Engineers

Dwarf Engineers

Games Workshop


Dwarf Engineers are experts in many fields. They are doughty warriors and skilled sharpshooters whose prowess in battle merits a place of honour in...

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Dwarf Flame Cannon

Dwarf Flame Cannon

Games Workshop


The Flame Cannon drenches the foe in a deadly concoction of blazing oil and molten tar. This rather unpleasant weapon has the dubious distinction o...

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Dwarf Goblin-Hewer

Dwarf Goblin-Hewer

Games Workshop


Despite its undeniable efficacy and ingenuity, the Goblin-hewer is a device seldom seen amongst Dwarfen throngs, due to its questionable origins. R...

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Dwarf Grudge Thrower

Dwarf Grudge Thrower

Games Workshop


Grudge Throwers are variations on simple catapults – one of the earliest Dwarf-made war machines. The engineers took up the practice of inscribing ...

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Dwarf Hammerers

Dwarf Hammerers

Games Workshop


The most skilled warriors in a Dwarf hold are its Hammerers – individuals who have proven themselves in many battles, showing great strength, marti...

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Dwarf Ironbreakers

Dwarf Ironbreakers

Games Workshop


Ironbreakers guard the deepest Dwarfen tunnels from those who would otherwise invade their holds and domains. They wear fine suits of gromril plate...

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Dwarf Miners

Dwarf Miners

Games Workshop


Dwarf Miners often join their brethren when they march to war. As a point of pride, they wield the same heavy, two-handed mining picks and mattocks...

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Dwarf Quarrelers

Dwarf Quarrelers

Games Workshop


Since the Dwarfs first came to the Worlds Edge Mountains, the crossbow has been their ranged weapon of choice, although, in recent times, devotees ...

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Dwarf Runesmith

Dwarf Runesmith

Games Workshop


Dwarf Runesmiths work literal magic with their hammercraft, binding the Winds of Magic into mighty runes of power and earthing enemy spells before ...

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Dwarf Slayers

Dwarf Slayers

Games Workshop


Dwarf Slayers seek a glorious death against a mighty foe to compensate for some past transgression. Hence, their lives are a constant search for ba...

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Dwarf Slayers Command

Dwarf Slayers Command

Games Workshop


Dwarf Slayers have won many wars through sheer determination and ferocity. Although they prefer to hew down towering monsters, they will, when requ...

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Dwarf Warriors

Dwarf Warriors

Games Workshop


Dwarf Warriors are formidable fighters – strong and extremely resilient, broad of shoulder, with powerful arms and a low centre of gravity. When th...

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Games Workshop


Gyrocopters are flying machines whose rotor blades are propelled by an ingenious lightweight steam engine. Having proven their effectiveness across...

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Imperial Dwarfs

Imperial Dwarfs

Games Workshop


Many Dwarfs have made new homes for themselves in the towns and villages of the Empire, where they continue the work of their ancestors, who taught...

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Walls and Fences

Walls and Fences

Games Workshop


The World of Legend is host to a wealth of differing cultures and architectural styles, but some things are ubiquitous. The land is traced with sto...

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