

Games Workshop


A workhorse not only of the toxic Martian skies, but of distant worlds at the forefront of the Tech-Priests expansion for millennia, the Archaeopt...

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Belisarius Cawl

Belisarius Cawl

Games Workshop


Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the Imperium, over ten thousand years ago. During that span of ages the Tech-Pries...

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Games Workshop Adeptus Mechanicus Electro Priests

Electro Priests

Games Workshop


Multi-Kit: Makes Fulgurite Electro Priests / Corpuscarii Electro Priests Surrounded by a protective veil of lightning, clutching electroleech s...

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Games Workshop Kastelan Robots

Kastelan Robots

Games Workshop


A huge, ancient robot built ten thousand years ago, the Kastelan Robot is a perfect example of the Adeptus Mechanicus’ repurposing of technology. ...

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Games Workshop Adeptus Mechanicus Onager Dunecrawler

Onager Dunecrawler

Games Workshop


Owing its origin to the lost knowledge of millennia, the Onager Dunecrawler is based on the Mars Universal Land Engine; itself inspired by the bad...

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Skitarii Marshal

Skitarii Marshal

Games Workshop


Marshals lead the maniples and cohorts of Skitarii soldiery. They are veteran warriors of countless crusades, privileged to bear enhanced augme...

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Sydonian Skatros

Sydonian Skatros

Games Workshop


A Sydonian Skatros is a sinister cybernetic sentinel, stoic and unmoving until the moment an enemy strays into range of their huge rifle. Mechani...

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Tech-Priest Dominus

Tech-Priest Dominus

Games Workshop


The masters of the Cult Mechanicus, the Tech-Priests Dominus have a prodigious talent and hunger for war. Their minds are filled by a constan...

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Tech-Priest Enginseer

Tech-Priest Enginseer

Games Workshop


The vehicles of the Astra Militarum are as tetchy as they are varied – keeping a tank in combat-ready trim in the oppressive 41st Millennium is not...

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Games Workshop Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest Manipulus - Pre-Order

Tech-Priest Manipulus

Games Workshop


The ruling castes of the Adeptus Mechanicus are the Tech-Priests – robed zealots whose flesh is replaced over time with bionic enhancements. Thes...

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Games Workshop


Technoarcheologists are seekers of divine mechanical arcana, driven to uncover that which is hidden, and to analyse its capabilities. Hardened t...

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