Warplock Jezzails

Warplock Jezzails

Games Workshop


Warplock Jezzail teams are masters of long-range warfare, a respected art amongst the Skaven. Skilled snipers amongst the Clans Skryre take up the ...

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Krethusas Cronehost

Krethusas Cronehost

Games Workshop


Krethusa the Croneseer is a renegade prophet and her rise to prominence has rocked the cult of Khaine to its core. In battle, she calls upon ...

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Marrowscroll Herald

Marrowscroll Herald

Games Workshop


Marrowscroll Heralds are senior delegates of their vampiric masters, sent to deliver entreaties – in the form of bloody offerings and infectious...

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Abhorrent Cardinal

Abhorrent Cardinal

Games Workshop


Abhorrant Cardinals are vampiric preachers that seek to spread the glory of Ushoran across every land. Having drunk from the Carrion King’s chali...

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Spearhead: Sylvaneth

Spearhead: Sylvaneth

Games Workshop


The air sings with glorious life magic as the children of Alarielle surge into battle. Embittered noble spirits command the fury of the forest, ...

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Bloodpelt Hunter

Bloodpelt Hunter

Games Workshop


Bloodpelt Hunters seek out the largest and most formidable creatures, stalking them unseen with the guile and ferocity of an alpha predato...

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Games Workshop


A Loonboss never fights fair, ducking and weaving around his enemies and hurling mobs of cackling grots at them to wear them down, before finishin...

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Games Workshop Putrid Blightkings

Putrid Blightkings

Games Workshop


Enormous, bloated warriors, festering with pustules and plague, the Putrid Blightkings are the favoured mortal servants of Nurgle. Blessed with th...

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Games Workshop Tzaangor Enlightened

Tzaangor Enlightened

Games Workshop


Elite Tzaangors, possessing strange feathers and elaborate horns, the Tzaangor Enlightened are truly blessed with the favour of Tzeentch. They wi...

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Pink Horrors

Pink Horrors

Games Workshop


Casting vindictive glares at their enemies and blasting them apart with mystical fire, Blue Horrors are as resentful and bitter as their pink cou...

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Marshcrawla Sloggoth

Marshcrawla Sloggoth

Games Workshop


Distant relatives to the troggoths found in caves and mountains, Marshcrawla Sloggoths are slow, patient hunters with long, grasping limbs that the...

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